Friday, September 5, 2008

i want entry to the vicious cycle

There exists in my campus a standardised package offered to every new batch for a laptop(every student needs a laptop to study,play,play with,talk,surf,expand horizons,contract,love,cherish,nurture,bang etc.). This packages enables each student to get a pretty cool deal at an even cooler price vis-a-vis the standard market deal. What this eventually means is that there is a really good laptop that looks kinda average in the laps of 80% of the populace And with commodities come commoditised accessories such as the charger. The charger is such an important accessory. literally an umblical cord, it is an expensive umblical cord at that. So what happens when the charger is lost?
option 1: spend 2-3 k on a new charger
option 2: wack/scam/steal another's.

with a 100 options for replacement around i think its pretty obvious what most of these people are doing. Weekly someone or the other sends a mail out into our student groups asking for their charger back and a week later their charger is 'replaced' by them. im pretty sure that in this circle of lose -steal-lose-steal.... the same charger would have passed through a single persons hand twice or thrice.

what nails me here is my charger has stared malfunctioning big time. However to 'stand out from the crowd' i had bought a laptop of another make; a pretty nice looking laptop if i may add. And there are so few options for me to steal from! the only option i know of is a close friend that i do not want to do this to, but if i dont find another option soon...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A million years ago someone we call Lord Krishna gave a monumental lecture on DUTY to a confused chap called Arjuna.

then a million years later, or today, a fellow who goes by the name of me realized that he had no attendance-

(i know all my engg batch cannot believe that i would do this again after all the events of my final year when i only played basketball, had single digit attendance and nearly failed my final semester, and passed by bringing my mom to college and a whole lot of drama)

-so obtained a spurious medical certificate from someone to account for my absence. it so happened that person has also passed on a virus to me and im feeling unwell right now... fucking ironic, idiotic and pissing off... Bloody karma.... but JUST Right in the grander scheme of things.

Monday, August 18, 2008

you're only as old as the company you keep

i am 40 years young...
i am young at heart...
my shata.

you can be young at fart but the reality is you are at exactly the maturity level of the collective maturity of the company you are keeping at this point of time.

at ur school reunion you are still gonna laugh in memory of the time your vice-principal's zip was open as he addressed the entire assembly on sports day, and your still going to tease that guy and girl who the batch randomly paired up.

i actually wanted this post to be more developed in content, but i run out of patience - the impatience being quite kiddish: im with my roomies now so...

ok isn't this a little too random?

En route to Bangalore (haha i got to use foreign sounding words while travelling local conveyance!) via train, i encountered some massive randomness. Now given the charm of travelling by general class 3-tier train is some chaos and much randomness but my encounetrs kind of streeeeetcchhh it i think.

case 1: a bunch of chukkas get on the train and beg... standard right? well one of them was a woman pretending to be a chukka! WTF! Which woman fucking pretends to be a chukka? ive seen men with a bulge(ok thats assumed, i dont check them out or anything) act chukka-ish, but a woman?

case 2: there are a 100 vendors of all kinds of food, snacks,beverages,necklaces,games and roti rolling stones who..... wait.. roti rolling stones? Again why the fuck would you sell roti rolling stone platforms in the train? id buy one because immediately someone else would board selling atta, followed by a person with a small portable stove.

o well...
here's to the laloo network!

Monday, August 11, 2008

mumbai and a thief conspire...

someone stole my bloody umbrella today!

Damn. bought that piece this rainy season and am already parting with it... at least its not another cell phone(touching wood ... touching wood).

i left it under my seat in the cinema and at the end of the show reached down and picked up an umbrella and left. later, outside i realized that it was my friend's umbrella. alas! mine was no where to be found outside.

may my umbrella give up on the rascal at the most inopportune moment.

An umbrella is unique as an item to steal, if you think about it. Any other item would have to be later subject to some kind of transaction for the benefit to be realized. However in an umbrella, if the person does not steal it, he is already inconvenienced... it becomes an Versus situation by default.

that being said may the thief trip and land with the umbrella tip planted firmly in his asshole upon which the opening mechanism engages.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

of respectability

i am a vp..
i must be respectable and not natural
what is the diference,

what you want to be vs. what u need to be

very rarely is congruency achieved

im not talkin about being politicaly correct
that and respectability have rarely had compatibility wih what the world considers to be congruency
i need to inspire awe and be considered to be desired and be special.... though i dont give a fuck about it
not for me but for the position i occupy

if that is the summation of me.. what you expect of me than the real me... how i pity u and how i pity me for stooping to it,

yet i believe in it.....brand siddharth --- as a wannabe brander... i believe i need to believe.....

its better to be hated than to be forgotten

the ultimate disrespect is insignificance and irrelevance.

so please know me, notice me, recognise me, and show me the passion...
and hence i proceed,exist and endeavour to be relevant....
as my self lies in yor cognizance and recognition....

siddharth srinivasan.

Friday, August 8, 2008

viral campaign.... down with flu

i get these amazing forwards that detail some new "viral campaign".
this is the latest viral campaign released by XYZ company.

Now what's wrong with that statement?

A viral campaign is one that due to its clutter breaking nature itself is propagated by the customers, an amalgamation of buzz and permission marketing.

So how can a campaign be viral right at the beginning?

yes , a campaign would be planned to ideally be viral, however they end up aping previous viral formats and become just another (generally) funny video on the internet.

remember the monkey-ball-kick game? that was a truly viral game, that spread out of user satisfaction, not because someone told another person that it was viral.

i guess we need more viral campaigns to become viral and not go down with a buz flu.